Plant Engineering Design Process by eLogicTech

Plant Engineering Design Process by eLogicTech

With growing production demand forcing uninterrupted plant operation, the modern-day challenges for plant owners and EPC contractors are mounting. Be it a power plant, food processing unit, product manufacturing factory, or water treatment plant, maximum utility utilization and process optimization for maximum thruput are the key requirements. With its plant engineering and digitization services, eLogicTech Solution offers to address all these changes.

eLogicTech helps develop a complete plant engineering ecosystem to embrace futuristic technologies and optimize the existing systems to the optimum capacity for the maximum possible throughput. Our plant engineering processes have been refined with every design engineering and equipment utilization project over the years.

Generalized plant engineering process at eLogicTech Solutions

Starting from the cost estimation of a new plant to engineering the production units, optimizing the automation processes, asset digitization, and report generation for plant inventory – all these are crucial parts of plant engineering services. Based on the project scope, industry, and geography, our plant engineering design team follows a unique approach to support the plant owners around the following lines:

Pre-bid assistance – As one of the crucial stages in setting up a new plant or expanding it, eLogicTech assists plant owners and contractors with the pre/post bid cost estimation, preparing the engineering proposal consisting of the initial PFDs and P&ID, etc.

System analysis and optimization – Once the plant gets stakeholder approval, our plant engineering design team helps with the analysis of the existing plant systems or optimization assistance.

The industrial automation exercise by eLogicTech involves carefully planned activities such as the following

  • Sizing or optimization of pump/pipe/utilities

  • Mechanical throughput analysis and strength calculations

  • Civil and structural design optimization and equipment sizing

  • Electrical equipment sizing/optimization using ETAP, and more

Digitization – The requirement of plant layout modifications, design visualizations, and standardization plans are addressed by our team in the form of developing the as-built plant layout drawings, legacy to CAD conversion, and laser scan to 3D modeling of the entire plant facility, etc.

Detailed engineering – Once the existing and the legacy plant systems are digitized, our engineering team takes up the more sophisticated part of the plant operation. Starting from technology integration, designing automated control units, processing units, and material handling systems, and alignment of electrical and mechanical equipment for zero-error syncing are all part of our advanced plant engineering exercise adopting futuristic technologies.

Plant operation and maintenance support – Apart from detailed documentation, development of asset management systems, and scheduling/monitoring/controlling units, plant inventory report generation is meant to assist in better managing the day-to-day plant operation and maintenance activities for sustainability over its lifecycle.

Contact eLogicTech for customized design engineering and optimization planning

Wide-scale production capability, uninterrupted operation, zero accidents, and maximum utility utilization being the biggest of the challenges, the plant engineering design and optimization process of eLogicTech ensures plant owners of the safety assessment, standardization, and feasibility analysis of the new or upgraded equipment on priority. Innovation, precision, scalability, asset optimization, and, moreover, hassle-free adaptability of new-gen technologies are part of eLogicTech’s many services under plant engineering design and digitization.

If you belong to the Chemical, Fertilizer, Food processing, Water Treatment, Oil & Gas, Power, or Thermal industry, eLogicTech will be happy to help with your plant engineering requirements. Contact us for a detailed discussion of your requirements and a free consultation on pre-onboarding.

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