
Embedded Software Engineering

The scope of an embedded system depends on how efficiently software engineering or architecture integrates with the hardware platform and is optimized and tested to meet the specific needs of the embedded system. eLogicTech is an engineering solution company specializing in embedded engineering solutions for various domains and industries. Our embedded software solutions help develop the core platform of embedded systems and IoT devices such as firmware development, middleware. And adoption layer development, test plan design, board diagnosis, isolation testing, and design verification.

We have a talent pool of engineers and developers skilled in a range of microprocessors, programming tools, and OS, like C, C++, ADA, Windows, CE, LINUX, TreadX, OSE, Nucleus RTOS, etc. eLogicTech offers next-generation embedded system engineering solutions to overcome your business challenges.

Embedded Software Engineering

Benefits of Our Embedded Engineering and Firmware Development Services

We bring tailored embedded system engineering solutions to meet the needs and robust integration with the hardware. It brings countless end benefits to the embedded system and users. A few of them are listed below:

Vast exposure in firmware development

Our engineers have vast exposure in developing firmware for the real-time operating system, robot operating systems, and non-OS embedded systems.

High-quality firmware integration

eLogicTech offers a high-quality firmware integration having compatibility with microprocessors and hardware from several companies.

Readiness for manufacture

Our board bring-up and diagnosis service help identify if the system is suitable for manufacture or not.

Reduction in functional and performance-related bugs

Isolation testing helps in detecting several functions and performance-related bugs of the firmware.

Embedded Software Development Services from eLogicTech

Our embedded software engineering solutions ensure embedded system application development such as firmware, middleware, and their testing & diagnosis for an innovative and performant embedded system. The range of our embedded engineering sub-services is as follows:

Firmware Development

eLogicTech provides discrete firmware development services for various structures ROM, OTP/PROM, and PLA structures. Our firmware development services include bespoke firmware development, communication protocol, performance & power optimization, boot time optimization, device simulation, and others.

Middleware and Adoption Layer Development

We provide general-purpose and market-specific middleware and adoption layer services. General-purpose middleware gets implemented for several devices, whereas market-specific are for a particular family of an embedded system like digital TV based on OS or JVM.

Test Plan Design and Scripting

Our test plan design and script services include manual and automation testing. And get executed on the system under test. Our automated program is extensively parametrized and is data-driven.

Board Bring-up and Diagnosis

eLogicTech conducts board bring-up and diagnosis in a phased manner. We perform assembly tests, hardware tests, firmware tests, and then software tests. And follow rigorous prototype testing to identify the issues and issue engineering change orders.

Isolation Testing

The isolation testing service helps identify functional bugs, control flow bugs, and any fatal issues of the firmware. It covers almost all the code paths, argument bonds, and failure cases of the software under test.

Design Verification and Optimization

With design verification and optimization service, we verify the coding standards and functionality of firmware unit, its integration, and module, cloud, and device integration testing, etc. It ensures the system meets the functional, behavioral, and performance specified requirements and optimizes accordingly.

Embedded Software Engineering Services

Embedded and IOT Outsourcing Company

Let eLogicTech Handle Sophisticated Embedded Engineering Requirements

eLogicTech provides end-to-end solutions for embedded system engineering and the development of new and existing products. Our customized and innovative solutions help you meet the requirements and business needs.

Contact our team to avail discrete and innovative embedded engineering solutions.

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