Virtual Reality for Construction

Numerous Contractors and Projects teams are creating 3D walk through & 3D VR modelling to simulate the functionality of residential, commercial projects & architectural projects. Let’s look how Virtual Reality might impact the construction industry in long run.

With extensive adaptation of 3D and BIM in the industry Virtual buildings and environments has become natural. There is major boost to gaming and entertainment VR investments. This will push the technology forward and make it affordable to consumers

Initiating change
There are numerous potential uses for VR in construction. Drawings and renderings are statics images and can never capture the three dimensional, spatial nature of building. life-sized physical models are also quite time consuming and often costly to build. Hence, Transition to Virtual reality would be seamless as architects and designers already create digital models of their designs.

Scope to Experience design
Virtual reality could be used to experience design and take the experience to next level and create a lasting impact. VR-enhanced experience design could be used in any type of project: residential, retail, hospitality, healthcare, and offices, to name a few.

Enhances Project collaboration
VR allows new ways to visualize and simulate systems, phenomena, and their functions. Project stakeholders can experience the realistic view and conduct meetings in virtual environment which is being designed Instead of conducting physical or video meetings

Helps in Decision-making
Virtual Reality offers scope for simulation where people can see how the project would look like after the construction. Visualisation makes decision making process easy and it provides valuable feedback for property developers and designers in the early stages of planning.

Most Impacted in Residential development and sales
Virtual reality plays a crucial role in the residential business. Simulation provides scope to buyers to experience their future home, moving around, and changing materials, fixtures, and furniture, is exceptional.A very important factor is what you can see outside the windows of the home. A nice view would not only justify the premium price but also speed up the buying decision.

Virtual Reality for professional training
VR can be used in educating Architects and most designers who have never worked on visited the construction site before they get graduated. A virtual simulated construction would give them practical experience. Safety is an age-old problem in construction. Safety training using VR could possibly prevent many human tragedies and can identify issues and incorporate required changes before construction begins. A simulated construction site could also be used to ensure safety in construction site, it could simulate the real environment and show how and where to use safety precautions and will show the site’s progress at any given date.

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