The modern AEC Industry has transformed itself with the introduction of new concepts and techniques for architectural modeling, design, and detailing. Technology has made 3D modeling a norm in the construction industry; 3D Modeling facilitates an effective and detailed development of architectural design, drawing, and other architectural services.
CAD technology digitalized the architectural drawing and drafting; the process was shortly adopted by the architectural drafters and designers across the industry after its inception due to several benefits it comprised in comparison to the time-consuming and arduous traditional methods. CAD digital drawing reproduced easily and detailed drafting created with better dimensional accuracy.

What is architectural CAD drafting?
The term ‘Drafting’ is used for creating technical drawings; it covers the technical and other aspects of a project to brief its functionalities and concepts. Architectural CAD drafting refers to using computer software like AutoCAD, Revit, etc. to create 2D or 3D design plans for various construction projects like commercial, residential, or industrial. These drawings developed with a set of conventions like floor plan, site plan, elevations, isometric and axonometric projections, kitchen details, and door and window details, etc. with proper measurement, size, and scale.` With CAD software, these drawings developed with more accuracy, new features, and details, and further details easily added.

What is architectural CAD detailing?
The success of a project largely depends on the quality of its architectural detailing. Architectural CAD detailing is the technical detailing of every interface, every corner, and every inside and outside point of the project. The architectural detailing showcases each part of the construction design in a larger scale; shows how each component of the design fit together, sectional drawings are elaborated to show complex junctions like floor to wall junction, window openings, roof apex, etc. It also covers plan details and vertical section details. These details are usually not produced in isolation, with the set of details it is easy to draw information and understand the three-dimensional model and its functionalities better. These detailing acts as a set of instructions for the builder, the potential outcome can be estimated to build the project effectively.

Architectural CAD drafting and detailing helps in developing a building project from concept to reality
Architectural CAD drafting and detailing brings a building project from a conceptual to the actual stage. Architectural drafting meets the need of architects, engineers, contractors, and other project stakeholders by creating, modifying, analyzing, and optimizing the building design. The drafting stage creates a set of documents and drawings that contributes to making the project efficient and successful.
Some set of drawing which is created in CAD drafting are
- Architectural elevations, Floor Plans, Sections & site plans
- Piping and Sanitation plans, Kitchen cabinet drawings, and drafting
- Architectural Casework Shop drawing, Architectural Layout and landscaping
- Detailed Architectural working drawing
The architects give these drawings to contractors who give additional details to better the construction process, reduce error, and increase accuracy. These drawings help the contractor and engineers to understand; how each system or trade will interact with the other. BIM’s cloud storage facilitates them to access the plan and drawings from any location; better coordination helps in improving accuracy in drawings and attaining quality design.
Once the planning and drafting get completed, next is the detailing stage; a significant part of the entire design and construction process. It is considered as the technical design process where even minutest details get covered to leave no scope for interpretation when passed to contractors for construction. Precise architectural drafting helps in planning, maintaining aesthetics, and provide longevity to the entire building project.
Architectural Details enlarges a particular section to show complex junctions such as window opening and door and window details on a scale of 1/5,1/10 or full details. These finer details show the potential of technical design to planning. Since, the contractor's team comprise of bricklayers, window installers, roofers, etc. these fine details help them to understand each other’s work and give them a roadmap in the construction process. A precise architectural detailing ensures proper planning and results in smooth coordination between the team and less deviation.

Aesthetic Beauty
A creative, artistic, and fine detailing can make a design and project masterpiece. A creative detailing manages the functional aspect of a simple structure to give it a classic look. For example; even a small enclosure can be given a spacious look with the use of glass partition, ribbon windows can be given a modern look with the interplay of light and shadow, and wall with dark colors can look claustrophobic. Here, each detailing and joint is crucial to develop a beautiful interface and to give a unique and interesting look.

Besides aesthetics, architects and detailers need to consider longevity while detailing the design. The robustness of design defines its significance and detail plays an important role in constructing a building that lasts long. For accurate and proper installation a fine detailing with correct information of each section, assembly, elevation, layout, and joints is required. Several parameters like lightning, heating, ventilation, plumbing, etc. considered to make a building functional, safe and robust. Detailing is the center where engineers refer to select the building material that can upload the design structure.

Key benefits of CAD drafting and detailing
Dimensional Accuracy - With the development of technology, CAD software has become more advanced as technical drawings created with more precision and accuracy. Automation tools have reduced errors and increased dimensional accuracy.
Accelerated drawing speed and less drafting time - CAD software like AutoCAD is fast than manual drafting; tasks like preparing bills, reports, and scaling performed easily. It is easy to draw digitally as to draw a line we just need a click. The repetitive tasks are automated by the software; for example, data that comprises certain components are made associative to make revisions or iterations automatic to all places where the data is used. As a result, automation saves the drafting time.
Easy modification and cost optimization - Digital drawings gets easily modified before construction, it saves from heavy cost incurred in construction. These drawings are shared and maintained by multiple teams, any suggestion in the drawings gets updated quickly and revision is done in an efficient manner.
Precise CAD drafting and detailing for in-time project closure
The success of a project largely depends on how it is planned and designed, and architectural CAD drafting and detailing play a crucial role in this process by providing an accurate, detailed, and high- quality design to the construction team. Quality architectural design and drafting enhance productivity by minimizing errors and optimizing cost. eLogicTech Solutions has been assisting independent architects, construction companies, and architectural firms with a plethora of CAD drafting, CAD detailing, and CAD conversion services. Outsource CAD drafting and detailing to eLogicTech for running your projects hassle-free.

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